Update multiple rows in one query

I googled a lot the last days and a few times i´ve seen postings that say that the $wpdb->update function doens´t support multiple updates and that this is not well documented. -> Sorry i don´t have links anymore…

I think that this is true because i couldn´t get it to work and i found not a single example witch works this way. So i use this way now to update multiple rows and still be able to handle errors.

The function:

function update_queries( $queries ) {
    global $wpdb;

    // set array
    $error = array();

    // run update commands
    foreach( $queries as $query ) {
        $query = str_replace( '[wp-prefix]', $wpdb->prefix, $query );
        $last_error = $wpdb->last_error;
        $wpdb->query( $query );

        // fill array when we have an error
        if( (empty( $wpdb->result ) || !$wpdb->result ) && !empty( $wpdb->last_error ) && $last_error != $wpdb->last_error ) {
                $error[]= $wpdb->last_error." ($query)";

    // when we have an error
    if( $error ) {
        return $error;

    // when everything is fine
        return false;

If we want to update a few things:

// update database
$queries = array();
$queries[] = "UPDATE `[wp-prefix]table` SET `value` = '$value'  WHERE `name` = 'name';";
$queries[] = "UPDATE `[wp-prefix]table` SET `value` = '$value2'  WHERE `name` = 'name2';";
$error = update_queries( $queries );

// if we have an error
if( !empty( $error ) ) {

// when everything is fine