Uploading PDF file and providing download links to them

the method you have described is valid , and technically you can use it without a problem.
Other options you have are :
1.Upload via FTP to a “PDF” folder (or whatever name) and MANUALLY link the files.

  1. Change the default “upload” folder only for the time you upload the pdf files (this method is not reccomanded and will work only on a more “static” site where pdf´s are uploaded only once or twice in bulk)

  2. as for plugin – there is this one
    which is a bit old but might help you. (I did not verify if works on current release)

  3. write a custom function that will either A: change the upload dir ONLY for PDF (easy to write) or B: Let you choose plugin folder for EACH upload.

Right now I am a bit pressed with time, but if you are interested in option 4 let me know .