Using add_filters() , apply_filter(), add_action() and do_action() in extending a plugin

It’s a very broad question, but my approach would look something like this:

I’d replace your code with this:

<?php my_the_payment_options(); ?>

And then in my plugin:

function my_the_payment_options() {
    $payment_options = get_my_available_payment_options();
    if ( $payment_options ) :
    <div class="payments-options">
        <?php foreach ( $payment_options as $k => $v ) call_user_func( $v['callback'] ); ?>

function get_my_available_payment_options() {
    return apply_filters( 'get_my_available_payment_options', array() );

and then in code adding payment method (here for PayPal):

function my_add_paypal( $available_payments ) {
    $available_payments[ 'paypal' ] => array(
        'callback' => 'my_paypal_callback',
        // some other params if needed
add_filter( 'get_my_available_payment_options', 'my_add_paypal' );

function my_paypal_callback() {
    <div class="paypal-div"></div>

Disclaimer: Treat this code as way to show the idea and not as working solution 🙂