Using the same class across multiple functions

I found a solution to this. In my other project I use this function in my settings class:

public function lal_get_settings( $index = false ) {

    $defaults = array ( 'lal_display_type' => 'icon', 'lal_add_fa' => false);
    $settings = get_option( 'lal_settingz', $defaults );

    if ( $index && isset( $settings[ $index ] ) ) {
        return $settings[ $index ];

    return $settings;

Then outside the class in the main php file:

$args = array (
        'display_type' =>  $lal_settingz_page->lal_get_settings('lal_display_type'),
        'add_fa' =>  $lal_settingz_page->lal_get_settings('lal_add_fa')

Whenever I want to pass these settings as arguments, I use the following construction:

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function() use ( $args ) { login_account_logout( $args ); }, 1);
function login_account_logout( $args ) {
if ( $args['display_type'] === 'icon' && $args['add_fa'] == 1 )
    wp_enqueue_style('lal-CDN-font-awesome', '//');

I can pass these arguments further, to nested actions in the same way.