Validate form in functions.php, send errors back to template

You need a filter not an action. Something like this (notes are commented into the code. You have a few PHP errors that you need to correct):

function signup_validate_insert($post){
  $errors = false;
  if (isset($post['submit_msg'])) {
    // validate , insert into database
  return $errors;
add_filter('signup_insert', 'signup_validate_insert');
$errors = apply_filters('signup_insert', $_POST);

if((!empty($errors))){ // $errors is going to be set; use empty() ?>
  <div class="errors"><?php 
    foreach($errors as $error) { ?>
      <p class="errortext"><?php 
        echo $error; // echo was missing; you would have no output ?> 
    } ?>

Filters return content. Actions do stuff. I you want an action echo directly from your callback:

function signup_validate_insert($post){
  $errors = false;
  if (isset($post['submit_msg'])) {
    // validate , insert into database
  if((!empty($errors))){ // $errors is going to be set; use empty() ?>
    <div class="errors"><?php 
      foreach($errors as $error) { ?>
        <p class="errortext"><?php 
          echo $error; // echo was missing; you would have no output ?> 
      } ?>
add_action('signup_insert', 'signup_validate_insert');
do_action('signup_insert', $_POST);

Honestly, what you are doing may be overly complicated and the whole thing might best be written without the hook at all. Do you need this to be extensible by a third party?

Try looking over:
Clarification on filters and hooks
Difference Between Filter and Action Hooks?