Standard Windows performance counters (look for other correlated activity, such as many GET requests, excessive network or disk I/O, etc); you can read them from code as well as from perfmon (to trigger data collection if CPU use exceeds a threshold, for example)
Custom performance counters (particularly to time for off-box requests and other calls where execution time is uncertain)
Load testing, using tools such as Visual Studio Team Test or WCAT
If you can test on or upgrade to IIS 7, you can configure Failed Request Tracing to generate a trace if requests take more a certain amount of time
Use logparser to see which requests arrived at the time of the CPU spike
Code reviews / walk-throughs (in particular, look for loops that may not terminate properly, such as if an error happens, as well as locks and potential threading issues, such as the use of statics)
CPU and memory profiling (can be difficult on a production system)
Process Explorer
Windows Resource Monitor
Detailed error logging
Custom trace logging, including execution time details (perhaps conditional, based on the CPU-use perf counter)
Are the errors happening when the AppPool recycles? If so, it could be a clue.