What is the difference between map and flatMap and a good use case for each?

Here is an example of the difference, as a spark-shell session:

First, some data – two lines of text:

val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq("Roses are red", "Violets are blue"))  // lines


    res0: Array[String] = Array("Roses are red", "Violets are blue")

Now, map transforms an RDD of length N into another RDD of length N.

For example, it maps from two lines into two line-lengths:


    res1: Array[Int] = Array(13, 16)

But flatMap (loosely speaking) transforms an RDD of length N into a collection of N collections, then flattens these into a single RDD of results.

rdd.flatMap(_.split(" ")).collect

    res2: Array[String] = Array("Roses", "are", "red", "Violets", "are", "blue")

We have multiple words per line, and multiple lines, but we end up with a single output array of words

Just to illustrate that, flatMapping from a collection of lines to a collection of words looks like:

["aa bb cc", "", "dd"] => [["aa","bb","cc"],[],["dd"]] => ["aa","bb","cc","dd"]

The input and output RDDs will therefore typically be of different sizes for flatMap.

If we had tried to use map with our split function, we’d have ended up with nested structures (an RDD of arrays of words, with type RDD[Array[String]]) because we have to have exactly one result per input:

rdd.map(_.split(" ")).collect

    res3: Array[Array[String]] = Array(
                                     Array(Roses, are, red), 
                                     Array(Violets, are, blue)

Finally, one useful special case is mapping with a function which might not return an answer, and so returns an Option. We can use flatMap to filter out the elements that return None and extract the values from those that return a Some:

val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(1,2,3,4))

def myfn(x: Int): Option[Int] = if (x <= 2) Some(x * 10) else None


    res3: Array[Int] = Array(10,20)

(noting here that an Option behaves rather like a list that has either one element, or zero elements)

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