Why can’t I return a value from $wpdb->get var?

get_results() by default returns each databse row as object, so $survey_mapping is an array of objects. Therefore you should replace $row with $row->surveyid in the second query:

$dup_survey2 = absint( $wpdb->get_var( 
   $wpdb->prepare("SELECT surveyls_survey_id FROM oc_surveys_languagesettings WHERE surveyls_survey_id = %d", $row->surveyid)

and in $wpdb->delete():

array('surveyid' => absint($row->surveyid))

By the way, you can use a single SQL query that removes entries from oc_partner_x_survey that have no match in oc_surveys_languagesettings:

DELETE oc_partner_x_survey 
FROM oc_partner_x_survey 
  LEFT JOIN oc_surveys_languagesettings ON oc_surveys_languagesettings.surveyls_survey_id = oc_partner_x_survey.surveyid 
  oc_surveys_languagesettings.surveyls_survey_id IS NULL