Why was my plugin rejected from the WordPress.org repository?

This is because you directly call a PHP file from within your plugin folder. This is bad for two reasons, the first being that some people block direct access to PHP files inside the wp-content folder. The second is you need to include wp-load.php to access the WordPress API.

Instead of linking to…

site_url().""."/wp-content/plugins/Printer-Friendly-WP/print.php?id=page_id="."".  get_the_ID()`

… which is a direct link and vulnerable to breaking, simply add a query arg to the current post permalink…

add_query_arg( 'print-page', true, get_permalink() )

… and then check to see if the URL contains the print-page query arg before the template is loaded:

function load_printed_page() {
    if ( ! get_query_arg( 'print-page' ) || ! $postid = get_the_ID() )


        if (have_posts()) :
             while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>


        endwhile; endif;
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'load_printed_page' );

Also, you should use WP_Query or get_posts() instead of query_posts