Widget with same content across several websites

for the idea of storing data on the provider webside, it’s a good idea but I recommend to use JSON onstead of XML. it’s a litte bit faster to parse and you will save a litte bit bandwith

on the provider side, you can use the WordPress AJAX helpers to make somethig like that :

add_action("wp_ajax_nopriv_logoData", function () {

    $data = array(
        "text" => "the new logo",
        "url" => "http://provider-server/wp-content/logo6.png";

    echo json_encode($data);


and on the client side (the 5 websites), you can do that to receive data :

$response = wp_remote_get("http://provider-server/wp-admin/adin-ajax.php?action=logoData");

$data = json_decode($response);

var_dump($data); // will show the array with the data