WordPress Comment functions

I do hope I understand what you’re asking, as you’re not giving much information. From what I specifically to customize the output of your comments.

Well, there partially is. The wp_list_comments accepts a callback argument among several others. This callback allows you to run a custom function; in your case, a custom function to manipulate the comments’ markup/output.

So, let’s get started. Assuming your HTML structure looks somewhat like this:

<ul class="comments">
   <?php $args = array(
        'type'          => 'comment',
        'callback'        => custom_comments
   wp_list_comments($args); ?>

Then, you would create a function called *custom_comments*, that would look something like this:
function custom_comments($args, $comment, $depth) {
// your code..
// example from DigWP: http://pastie.org/2986583

Hope that helps!