WordPress Feed Error [closed]

This sounds similar to a problem I had with my RSS feed

just as @s_ha_dum suggests it could be theme or plugin related:

a) is it a theme related problem? –> switch to the default theme 2012 to check.
if yes: You should also check if you have empty lines in between your code in functions.php:



or if there are some direct echos. In my case it was an empty line at the bottom of functions.php after ?>, so I now don’t use ?>to close <?php at the end of the functions.php.

b) is it a plugin related problem? –> deactivate your plugins to check since some plugins can output empty lines.
if yes: then activate your plugins, one by one to find the problematic plugin.


To debug my RSS feed I like to use


and remember to remove feed caching if you have one.