WOW.js animations work on one server, copied to new server, and stop working [closed]

You are using new WOW().init(); long before wow.min.js has kicked in which causes the error because there’s no such thing as WOW() when it hasn’t loaded yet.

Just remove it from your template and copy it to your theme main JS file which should be loaded after vital your, 3rd party etc JS files are loaded. Also wrap it with jQuery(window).load(function() { } or jQuery(window).ready(function() { }. Why or which one? Read here!

Using wrapped JS directly in template is a bad practice anyway and should only be used when it’s absolutelty necessary.

Again, this question has nothing to do with WordPress core and should be asked in Stackoverflow, I’ll get smack to the head from the community just for answering this. Know better next time.