WP Job Manager Feature jobs from [job_dashboard] page [closed]

Short answer: you’re doing it wrong.

Long answer

update_post_meta actually updates the field, so whenever your code runs, the value of _featured is updated to 1. No clicking necessary, you’re actually telling it to update the value right then and there.

What you should do is have your link point to a page that can handle the request when the link is clicked:

echo '<li><a href="' . add_query_arg( 'set_featured_id', $job->ID ) . '">Featured</a>';

Then, process that information:

add_action( 'init', function() {
    $job_id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'set_featured_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );

    if ( null === $job_id ) {

    update_post_meta( $job_id, '_featured', 1 );

The above solution is really insecure, however. You should probably look at functions to “gate” whether the user can do this – such as current_user_can – you could also look into doing this as part of a form submission, which would allow you to leverage wp_nonce_field as well for some added security.