wp localize script is not working in a custom AJAX request

My need was to set different prices in the session and fetch those in my js script. I am using a jquery session plugin to set and get session, but it wasn’t getting session set by php, so I was trying to send variables using wp_localize and set it in the js script.

Taking the clue from @Milo, I passed the values using json_encode and set them to session at the ajax handler end.

This is what i did:–

show-event.php file

 $output = array(
        'price'         => $_SESSION['price'],
        'price_for_two'     => $_SESSION['price_for_two'],
        'price_for_three'   => $_SESSION['price_for_three'],
        'price_for_retake'  => $_SESSION['price_for_retake']
    $this->json_encode( $output );

and in the ajax handler i did:–

// Setting the session value for the prices.
jQuery.session.set('price', data.price);
jQuery.session.set('price_for_two', data.price_for_two);
jQuery.session.set('price_for_three', data.price_for_three);
jQuery.session.set('price_for_retake', data.price_for_retake);

The above sets the session values for the different prices.

I could have also passed the array but I did this which is fine.