wp_enqueue_style will not let me enforce screen only

I found the answer. Roots has a roots_clean_style_tag that limits everything except print as a media type.

I updated mine slightly to just allow screen as well:

function roots_clean_style_tag($input) {
  preg_match_all("!<link rel="stylesheet"\s?(id='[^']+')?\s+href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/95293/(.*)" type="text/css" media="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/95293/(.*)" />!", $input, $matches);
  // Only display media if it's print
  if($matches[3][0] === 'print'){
      $media=" media="print"";
  } elseif ($matches[3][0] === 'screen'){
      $media=" media="screen"";

  //$media = $matches[3][0] === 'print' ? ' media="print"' : '';
  return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $matches[2][0] . '"' . $media . '>' . "\n";