wp_post not working, keeps redirecting to posts page

Because you want to run JS code, using WordPress post action handler will not give you the solution.

You will need to use ajax for that.

I have created a small example you can copy/paste.

<form method="post" class="myform">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add_foobar">
    <input type="hidden" name="data" value="foobarid">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

For our form I removed the action (no need for it because we will use ajax).
Also added a class for easier targeting.

($ => {
    $('.myform').on('submit', e => {
        // prevent form from submit

        // get current element (form)
        const $this = $(e.currentTarget);

        // get form values
        const action = $this.find('[name="action"]').val();
        const data   = $this.find('[name="data"]').val();
        // send the form data to our ajax action,
        // and handle the response
        // btSystemGlobals.ajaxUrl = http://localhost/timber/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
        // I have a property that contains the ajax endpoint
        // you can copy the url but change it accordingly
            type: "post",
            dataType: "json",
            url: btSystemGlobals.ajaxUrl, // btSystemGlobals.ajaxUrl = http://localhost/timber/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
            data: {
            success: res => {
                if (res.status) location.href = res.redirectTo;
                else console.log(res);

The JS that will handle the request/response.
I used ajax to keep it simple but you can use axios for a modern approach, plus it will make the code much shorter and easier to read (I could add it if thats something you want).

add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_add_foobar', 'add_foobar');
function add_foobar () {
    // get and sanitize the passed data
    $data = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'data', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

    // do what ever logic you need here with $data

    // create the response
    $res = [
        'status'     => true,
        'data'       => $data,
        'redirectTo' => 'http://example.com/'

    // return the response as json object
    echo json_encode($res);
    // die, stop any other code from running after this point

And finally our action that will handle the data and return a response.
I didn’t use nonce to keep it as simple as possible but consider adding it (also something I can add if you want).

Using the code you provided I created this short example for handling JS code with ajax and a form.
If you ever need to run JS code for form submission and PHP logic you will need to use a XHR request, so ajax/axios/fetch would be the correct approach.