Auto Change WordPress Roles
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- pre_get_posts Remove posts based on meta value with ‘post__not_in’
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- How to create user specific pages (not user role!)?
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- Restrict Access in Admin Panel
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- create new user role for reader
- Hide Users by user role in Worpress
- Want to know parameters that can be passed to user_can() for access control by user capabilities
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- Can we hook the Customizer on a post or page on the front of the site?
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- Subscription list function
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- Setting an expiration date for wordpress roles
- users in their Role can only their Posts
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- How can I check if a visitor can read a post?
- How to query users to count all with a custom capability and limit it to a set of roles?
- Error while creating a clone role in wordpress
- Custom Plugin – Blacklist/Whitelist domain email and change user role – Suggestions
- Change auth_cookie_expiration for specific roles and specific login times
- Infinite redirects at front end if logged in user is not an Admin (Toolset Access)
- Set user role, if an specific role created an user
- Block access to plugins.php for custom role
- Allow user to select role from front end edit profile form
- How to make WP page accessile only to specific user roles
- Remove add post for user role
- Restrict Author to post only to a specific category
- WordPress – Limit custom/specific user role to only have access to edit the contents of an Advanced Custom Fields Pro Options Page
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- Switch role on submit button
- Custom User Role – can’t edit or publish pages?
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- Add role selector to custom registration page
- Multiple user role on registration
- Trying to get new role to have edit permissions for custom content type
- Why are all roles assigned to a user when using wp_insert_user()?
- Why does user_can return false for a capability during plugin deactivation?
- Removing Admin Bar Node Based on Role
- Create an email address that forwards to users in role
- How to update user role totals
- Custom user role doesn’t show up in admin
- Welcome email specific to user role
- update_user_meta on registration but only for default role type
- New folder and file permissions are not correct
- How to change user role setting in members plugin so that user can only edit his own post?
- Get users by rôle in a list
- Role Scoper, don’t allow other users to see pending posts
- WordPress show content if current user get spesific role and spesific meta value