Do custom user roles have any default capabilities?

I’ve found that the WordPress has_cap() function, which is relied on by functions like user_can() and current_user_can, explicitly returns false for empty capabilities.

Example: If a capability is passed as an argument using current_user_can(), this function will pass the capability to has_cap() and return the results:

    return call_user_func_array( array( $current_user, 'has_cap' ), $args

has_cap() will return false if the requested capability does not exist or the value is false:

foreach ( (array) $caps as $cap ) {
    if ( empty( $capabilities[ $cap ] ) )
        return false;

This is because the empty() function returns true in either case.

A variable is considered empty if it does not exist or if its value
equals FALSE.

Unless I am mistaken about how these functions work, then it appears safe to say that no default capabilities are attributed to a new role unless explicitly set to true. It is not necessary to explicitly deny a capability when creating a new role with add_role() and I can’t see any reason to do so. If a capability is not listed, the user will not have it.

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