you can generate shortcodes and launch them with this function :
so you can do that in your plugin :
add_shortcode("MY_PLUGIN__forms_with_dates", function ($atts, $content, $tag) {
$atts = shortcode_atts([
"months" => 11,
"id_form" => NULL,
], $atts, $tag);
if (!isset($atts["id_form"])) {
return "shortcode $tag : the argument id_form is missing.";
$shortcodes = "";
$today = current_datetime()->setTime(12, 0, 0, 0);
$year_today = wp_date("Y");
$month_today = wp_date("m");
foreach (range(0, $atts["months"]) as $months_diff) {
$first_day = $today->setDate($year_today, $month_today - $months_diff, 1);
$last_day = $today->setDate($year_today, $month_today - $months_diff + 1, 0);
$first_day_shortcode = wp_date("Y-m-d", $first_day->getTimestamp());
$last_day_shortcode = wp_date("Y-m-d", $last_day->getTimestamp());
$shortcodes .= "[frm-stats";
$shortcodes .= " id=$atts[id_form]";
$shortcodes .= " type=count";
$shortcodes .= " created_at_greater_than=\"$first_day_shortcode\"";
$shortcodes .= " created_at_less_than=\"$last_day_shortcode\"";
$shortcodes .= "]";
return do_shortcode($shortcodes);
with this new shortcode, you can for example use
[MY_PLUGIN__forms_with_dates id_form=862 months=3]
and the result will be equivalent to this :
[frm-stats id=862 type=count created_at_greater_than="2024-08-01" created_at_less_than="2024-08-31"]
[frm-stats id=862 type=count created_at_greater_than="2024-07-01" created_at_less_than="2024-07-31"]
[frm-stats id=862 type=count created_at_greater_than="2024-06-01" created_at_less_than="2024-06-30"]
[frm-stats id=862 type=count created_at_greater_than="2024-05-01" created_at_less_than="2024-05-31"]