Yes it’s possible. You have to create three filters for this.
Admin stuff inside a class
class WPSE29338_Admin {
public static function setup() {
add_filter('login_url', array(__CLASS__, 'modifyLoginURL'), 10, 2);
add_filter('lostpassword_url', array(__CLASS__, 'modifyLostPasswordURL'), 10, 2);
add_filter('register', array(__CLASS__, 'modifyRegisterURL'));
public static function modifyLoginURL($loginUrl, $redirect="") {
$loginUrl = site_url('login'); // Link to login URL
if(!empty($redirect)) {
$loginUrl = add_query_arg('redirect_to', urlencode($redirect), $loginUrl);
return $loginUrl;
public static function modifyLostPasswordURL($lostpwUrl, $redirect="") {
$lostpwUrl = wp_login_url() . '#lostpassword'; // Link to lostpassword URL
if(!empty($redirect)) {
$lostpwUrl = add_query_arg('redirect_to', urlencode($redirect), $lostpwUrl);
return $lostpwUrl;
public static function modifyRegisterURL($registerUrl) {
if(!is_user_logged_in()) {
if (get_option('users_can_register')) {
$registerUrl="<a href="" . wp_login_url() . '#register" class="btn">' . __('Register') . '</a>'; // Link to register URL
} else {
return $registerUrl;
First we need to filter the output of the function wp_login_url()
which is used by wp_login_form()
in the forms action
Look at the method modifyLoginUrl()
. Here we store the URL of the page login
inside the variable $loginUrl
. This page must exists inside WordPress, so create it first.
Next we need a filter for the function wp_lostpassword_url()
and wp_register()
. It’s basically the same. The URL of the site is stored inside the variable $lostpwUrl
and $registerUrl
Last but not least, you have to call the class on the right action hook. For themes this should be after_setup_theme
and for plugins you can use plugins_loaded
Themes / functions.php
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'wpse29338_admin_init');
function wpse29338_admin_init() {
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'wpse29338_admin_init');
function wpse29338_admin_init() {