Frontend delete CPT post with custom role user
Frontend delete CPT post with custom role user
Frontend delete CPT post with custom role user
You can set the post format using set_post_format(), which in your case, I would do it like so where I set the post format only if the post was successfully updated: $status = wp_update_post( $submit ); if ( $status && ! is_wp_error( $status ) ) { // Replace ‘quote’ with whatever the format you preferred. … Read more
I’ll try to answer the question from beginning to end so for example, when user with customer role wants to login to page, they will be redirected to another page. I want to do this in software, not with a plugin Note that you can turn the snippet into a plugin by adding this … Read more
Yes; you can use get_comments() function to query comments and specify spam as the status. Placing the button will depend on your theme, but the below is how to get the comments marked as spam (tested): get_comments( array( ‘post_id’ => $post_id, ‘status’ => ‘spam’, ) );
custom user profiles like linktree fully customizable on the front end
Custom Login and Password Reset for BuddyPress Website
Is there a way to display date inside a page without using plugins or custom codes?
You could use something like this: // Function to hide menu items for non-logged-in users function hide_menu_items_for_non_logged_in($items, $args) { // Check if user is not logged in if (!is_user_logged_in()) { // Define menu items to hide // (replace ‘menu-item-1’, ‘menu-item-2’, etc. with actual menu item IDs) $items_to_hide = array(‘menu-item-1’, ‘menu-item-2’); // Loop through menu items … Read more
I found that currently this is the only reliable solution: if (is_admin()){ header(‘Location: ‘. get_permalink()); exit(); } else add_action(‘template_redirect’, function (){ wp_redirect(get_permalink()); exit(); }); In the case of backend pages the template_redirect does not seem to be supported. If I use wp_redirect the redirection does not happen (maybe it is a bug) or the function … Read more
Display Any Field fromAdmin Panel in Frontend via Shortcode?