I’m NOT actually Answering the question, I’m putting here, how I got my solution without being on that course:
First of all, I got the initial solution to the enqueue problem from WPSE answer. It’s working like a charm. But the problem of conflicting re-occurred when I tried embedding the Media Uploaded to a field with wp_enqueue_media()
, it’s not working even in that page the Featured Image jquery uploader was working.
I tried with deactivating all my plugins, and switched back to TwentyFourteen with define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true)
. And with the suggestion of @G.M. I tried the following code provided by him:
function header_sent() { headers_sent() && die('Sent!'); }
add_action( 'init', 'header_sent' );
to check whether any header is sent already, but I got the green signal. Then with multiple try, and @Rup’s comment, I enqueued all the latest jQuery things (jQ 1.11.1 and jQUI 1.10.4). But still the problem resides. But with these broad effort I at least found a hope that, my plugin is not conflicting with Akismet.
I revamped the wp_enqueue_media()
with this SO answer. But when I activated WordPress SEO, though my plugin jQuery is working, but the WP SEO. So it’s a clear conflict with the WordPress SEO.
Then I switched the meta box’s priority from 'high'
to 'low'
$mdash; nothing happened. They something clicked my mind, and I eneuqued my scripts in_footer
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-lib-scripts', plugins_url( '/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js', __FILE__ ), '', '', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-for-tabs', plugins_url( '/js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.min.js', __FILE__ ), '', '', true );
That’s solved my problem here.
(But I actually don’t know if the scripts conflict with any other plugin in future, then what would I do then 🙁 )