ACF: If field contain a specific value, update value in another field programatically

Did you trying something like this in a JS script?

Assuming you wants to edit the service text field.

jQuery(document).ready(() => {
  const textfield_type = document.querySelector('input[name="type"]');
  const textfield_service = document.querySelector('input[name="service"]');

  const updateField = () => {
    if (textfield_type.getAttribute('value') === 'Houses' && textfield_service.getAttribute('value') === '2') {
      textfield_service.setAttribute('value', 'NOT AVAILABLE');

    // ... other rules

  // Launch the event only if the two fields exists
  if (textfield_type !== null && textfield_service !== null) {
    textfield_service.addEventListener('focusout', () => updateField());