Gravity Forms with Advanced Post Creation Add-On not updating ACF fields on custom taxonomy

To resolve the issue with Gravity Forms and the Advanced Post Creation Add-On not updating ACF fields on a custom taxonomy, you can try adding the following code snippet to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file: add_action( ‘gform_post_create_post’, ‘update_custom_taxonomy_acf_fields’, 10, 3 ); function update_custom_taxonomy_acf_fields( $post_id, $form, $entry ) { // Check if the custom taxonomy term … Read more

Sorting Users page admin column with ACF field

You can use the “pre_user_query” filter hook to modify the query that retrieves the users. Here’s an example code that how to sort the Users page admin column with an ACF field named. function sort_users_by_acf_field( $query ) { if ( ! is_admin() ) { return; } if ( isset( $query->query_vars[‘orderby’] ) && ‘user_company_name’ === $query->query_vars[‘orderby’] … Read more