Add dynamic search to paginated WP_Query

since in the comments you explained by dynamically you mean without reloading/refreshing the page.
the answer to the first question is: yes, you will use AJAX calls.

first, create the search input
<input name="input_name" placeholder="<?php echo __('search','textdomain'); ?>">
second, the Javascript registered and enqueued script in functions.php

(function ($) {
  $(document).ready(function () {
    $("[name=input_name]").keyup(function () {
            if ajaxurl is not defined you need to use wp_localize_script()
            or depending on how your wordpress is hosted use simply admin-ajax.php
          action: "random-name",
          search_data: $(this).val(),
        function (response) {
          // use "response" to draw the new table rows

finally in your functions.php

function my_ajax_handler(){
    $_POST['search_data']; // here the searched word, push it to $args then run the loop Query again

keep in mind there are existing plugins for tables. but doing an AJAX call yourself shouldn’t be that hard.
the code above does the task.