Add HTML Attributes To Anchor Tags In `wp_list_categories()` Function

The default walker used by wp_list_categories() (Walker_Category) has a hook (a filter hook) named category_list_link_attributes which you can use to add custom title and class (as well as other attributes like data-xxx) to the anchor/a tag (<a>) in the HTML list generated via wp_list_categories().

So for example, you can do something like:

add_filter( 'category_list_link_attributes', 'my_category_list_link_attributes', 10, 2 );
function my_category_list_link_attributes( $atts, $category ) {
    // Set the title to the category description if it's available. Else, use the name.
    $atts['title'] = $category->description ? $category->description : $category->name;

    // Set a custom class.
    $atts['class'] = 'custom-class category-' . $category->slug;
//  $atts['class'] .= ' custom-class';                 // or append a new class
//  $atts['class'] = 'custom-class ' . $atts['class']; // or maybe prepend it

    return $atts;