Add JS in footer via shortcode?

I’ll address your address and thruthfully you should probably be enqueuing this, and consider using wp_add_inline_script() or wp_localize_script().

However, if you can’t be bothered to do that for some reason, you can just remove the return of your shortcode, and instead use add_action('wp_footer', '…');. This is actually similar to how I enqueue registered scripts/styles only when a certain shortcode is used on pages.

You can either wrap your whole code with it if you don’t need anything at the placement of the shortcode, otherwise you’ll need to pass the output to the function, either by naming and passing the function or using a Closure with use(). Here’s the latter version of it:

add_shortcode( 'round_time_to_next_15_min_interval', 'round_time_to_next_15_min_interval' );
function round_time_to_next_15_min_interval() {

    // get current date & time
    $current_date = date('d-M-Y g:i:s A');
    $current_time = strtotime( $current_date );

    // create new date & time that is the nearest next 15 minute interval
    $frac = 900;
    $r = $current_time % $frac;
    $new_time = $current_time + ($frac-$r);
    $new_date = date('d-M-Y g:i:s A', $new_time);

    // JS script to localize time for user & insert result into form field
    $script = "<script id='round_time_to_next_15_min_interval'>
        var date = new Date('" . $new_date . " UTC');
        var NextWebinarTime = date.toLocaleString();
        // document.getElementById('webinartime').innerHTML = NextWebinarTime;
        document.querySelector('[value=\"Next Webinar Time:\"]').innerHTML = NextWebinarTime;

    add_action( 'wp_footer', function() use( $script ){
        echo $script;

    // return script
    // return $script; // Commented Out so it doesn't output at source of the shortcode

I flipped the JavaScript comment around, so it outputs the innerHTML in a Div on this Example Page.

Note that if you have this shortcode on a page more than once, you’ll get the script output more than once. If that’s the case, you’ll need to include a flag of some sort (like a global variable that starts at 0, increments to 1 after the first run, and if it’s > 0, don’t output the script) so that it only outputs the first time it’s run – or if you instead enqueue the file, it would be a non-issue.