Add styles with wp_add_inline_style only if modifications exist wp_add_inline_style

Try this way:

function mytheme_custom_styles() {

    // Initialize the variable

    // check if it's empty
    if( '' != get_theme_mod('sitetitle_typography') ) {
        $custom_css .= 'font-family: ' . get_theme_mod('sitetitle_typography') . ';';
    // check if it's empty
    if( '' != get_theme_mod('sitetitle_weight') ) {
        $custom_css .= 'font-weight: ' . get_theme_mod('sitetitle_weight') . ';';
    // check if it's empty
    if( '' != get_theme_mod('sitetitle_style' ) ) {
        $custom_css .= 'font-style: ' . get_theme_mod('sitetitle_style') . ';'; 
    // if variable $custom_css has changed, then add the changes and execute wp_add_inline_style
    if( '' != $custom_css ) {
        $custom_css=".site-title {" . $custom_css . '}';
        wp_add_inline_style( 'theme-specific', $custom_css );


add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mytheme_custom_styles' );

Note that “theme-specific” css stylesheet, had to be enqueued at some point along your theme’s code.

Let me know if it helps you!