add sub subpage endpoint to woocommerce plugin my-account section

You can’t add alumni-portal/alumni-index as a separate endpoint, because this clashes with the alumni-portal endpoint. This is because rewrite endpoints will capture anything after / as their value. So alumni-portal/alumni-index is the same as alumni-portal, but the alumni-portal query var is set to alumni-index.

So rather than registering both endpoints, register alumni-portal a single endpoint, and then check for which value for alumni-portal is passed. If the value is index, then display the appropriate template.

So register your endpoint with the woocommerce_get_query_vars filter:

    function( $query_vars ) {
        $query_vars['alumni'] = 'alumni';

        return $query_vars;

Then use the woocommerce_account_alumni_endpoint action to display the page. These account endpoint hooks will pass the “value” of the endpoint as an argument to the callback function. So if I visit my-account/alumni/index the value passed will be index, and you can use this to display the appropriate template:

    function( $value ) {
        if ( $value === 'index' ) {
            wc_get_template( 'myaccount/alumni-index.php' );
        } else {
            wc_get_template( 'myaccount/alumni-portal.php' );

If you’re filtering the account page title you don’t get the value passed, but since you do get the endpoint you can get this with get_query_var():

    function( $title, $endpoint ){
        $value = get_query_var( $endpoint );

        if ( $value === 'index' ) {
            $title="Alumni Index";
        } else {
            $title="Alumni Portal";

        return $title;