Custom fields in the billing address section woocommerce

I have run into these issues before myself. I am not entirely sure it’s possible to get adjust the billing address box directly unless you adjust the actual email template for the emails. Specifically, if you have access to the file structure, look in the “/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/emails” folder of the WooCommerce Plugin. They are made to … Read more

How to add fee_lines using woocommerce rest API v3?

Here is my code that working fine. “fee_lines”: [ { “name”: “7.5% Booking Fee”, “tax_status”: “taxable”, “tax_class”: “”, “total”: “26.02”, “total_tax”: “26.02”, “taxes”: [], “meta_data”: [] }, { “name”: “Waiter Tip (5%)”, “tax_status”: “taxable”, “tax_class”: “”, “total”: “8.00”, “total_tax”: “8.00”, “taxes”: [], “meta_data”: [] } ]

Show shipping class in admin product list

You can add a new column to the product admin overview that displays the shipping class of each product. Here’s how you can do it: Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin: // Add new ‘Shipping Class’ column to the product admin overview add_filter( ‘manage_edit-product_columns’, ‘show_product_shipping_class_column’ ); function show_product_shipping_class_column( … Read more

A multi-section WordPress store [closed]

It’s possible to build a multi-section online store using WordPress and WooCommerce but it does come with its complexities. Having the three sections integrated within the same site can be advantageous in terms of shared traffic, cross-selling opportunities, and providing a diverse product/service mix to your visitors. However, this setup will be more complex and … Read more