Add the .html extension to custom post types

Lets take these functions and paraphrase them into english, then put them in the order they’re ran. I’m going to deliberately avoid using PHP in this answer, but a basic understanding of PHP will be necessary:

When the `post_type_link` filter runs: // the add_action calls
    run: `wpa_course_post_link` as it has priority 3 // function wpa_course_post_link(....
        if the object is a post
            and that post has a course term
                search for %course% in the URL string and replace it
    Then, run `custom_post_permalink` as it has priority 10: // function custom_post_permalink(...
        Ignore the URL we got given and construct a brand new one by returning the post_type + "" + posts name + ".html"

So custom_post_permalink doesn’t add .html to the end of your URLs as you thought it did, it creates a whole new URL. If you changed the priority from 3 to 11, your .html URLs will work, but your course URLs will not as %course% was replaced.

Luckily the wpa_course_post_link function provides a much better template for how to do this. Insted of grabbing the course terms and doing a string replace, just add .html to the end of the $post_link string and return it

So instead if we write it out as pseudocode in plain english, we might get this:

When the `post_type_link` filter runs:
    run: `wpa_course_post_link` as it has priority 3
        if the object is a post, then:
            if that post has a course term then:
                search for %course% in the URL string and replace it
            then add ".html" to the end

I leave conversion to PHP as a task for the reader, all the needed PHP is already available in the question.