How do I create a custom search function to only show contact information if they search for an exact unique identifier?

Here is one way I can think to do this. Make a new post for each attendee. The post title should be their unique identifier that you assign them. Rather than manually creating all those posts, you might find it easier to create a spreadsheet and import. Each posts’ content would be the contact info … Read more

Add taxonomy or category slug to custom post types URL

You would do it by assigning the taxonomies when registering the post type: ‘taxonomies’ => [ ‘taxonomy1’, ‘taxonomy2′, ..etc ], You can also use register_taxonomy_for_object_type to do this if you want a function call. You still need to register the taxonomies though or this won’t work. Note that this won’t change your CPT’s … Read more

Display the progress of post achievement with percentage against target in wordpress dashboard

Here are my thoughts, which include both a shortcode and a direct function to display the post progress in the WordPress dashboard/admin area: Creating a Custom Shortcode: You can create a custom shortcode to display the post progress on your WordPress site using the following code: function post_progress_shortcode() { $post_type=”movie”; $target_count = 50000; // Set … Read more

Remove `View post` Text

I think the issue is this piece of code $messages[‘game’] = $messages[‘post’];. $messages will contains all the updated messages for all custom post type. In this case, your CPT is game, so you should change the array item of game only. The correct code should be public function game_updated_messages( $messages ) { $messages[‘game’][1] = ‘Post … Read more

Allowing a CPT post to be edited by a single user role

Add code – your current active theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin: // Step 1: Create a New Role Based on Subscriber function create_custom_role() { // Check if the role doesn’t already exist if (!get_role(‘username-role’)) { // Get the capabilities of the Subscriber role $subscriber_role = get_role(‘subscriber’); $capabilities = $subscriber_role->capabilities; // Create a … Read more
