add_action in the loop hooks

Once a fucntion has been hooked to an action, the function will be executed every time the action is called (with do_action). To stop this, the action should be removed. See remove_action:

function do_entry() {
   if ( get_the_title() ) {
      add_action('loop_entry_before', 'function_that_adds_h2_structure');
   } else {
      remove_action('loop_entry_before', 'function_that_adds_h2_structure');
   add_action('loop_entry_entry', 'function_that_adds_content_structure');

In your case, I think that the actions hook approach is not very good and it can be better to do direct function calls:

function do_entry() {
   if ( get_the_title() ) {
   add_action('loop_entry_entry', 'function_that_adds_content_structure');