Calling a PHP function from a menu item

There’s a few things to consider here.

1) You should always first check for a third-party plugin like WPML. If, for whatever reason, WPML stops working or gets deactivated, assuming it’s there could result in a fatal error.

function directByLang() {
    if( defined( 'ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION' ) ) {
        $current_lang = apply_filters('wpml_current_language', NULL);
         if ($current_lang == 'en') {
             // English link
             echo '<a href="/en/cart/">English Cart</a>';
         } elseif ($current_lang == 'fr') {
             // French link
             echo '<a href="/panier/">French Panier</a>';
         } else {
            // Default to French if language is not determined
            echo '<a href="/panier/">French Panier</a>';
    } else {
        // Default to French if WPML not active
        echo '<a href="/panier/">French Panier</a>';

I haven’t used WPML in a few years so not sure if this is the correct method anymore. I found it here:

2) This does check for the language and then depending on the language it outputs the different cart URLs. But just adding this snippet/function alone to your functions.php won’t do anything. Because it doesn’t get loaded anywhere. This is basically a template tag, so in the file where you want this to appear, you have to add <?php directByLang(); ?>.

I would assume that you want it in your header.php.

For example, in your header.php you’ll have some <div> and <nav> elements that organize he logo/site name, navigation, search field, etc…

Somewhere in there, where it makes sense, you’ll want to add <?php directByLang(); ?> so that the function executes in there.

You’ll probably need some CSS, maybe even wrap it in it’s own container, like so:

<div class="multi-language-cart-link">
    <?php directByLang(); ?>

Hope that helps.

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