CSS saved & enqueued, but wordpress doesn’t load css text, only file

In a quick view, the arguments you use in wp_enqueue_style() are not correct for global.css. The third parameter is used to declare the dependencies and you have set that parameter to the string 'false' but it should be an array. If the CSS does not depend on another CSS, use an empty array.

In your case, I guess that the global.css depends on the other css you are lodaing (foundation, normalize, etc), so you should declare those dependencies.

You are using the fourth parameter incorrectly too. The fourth parameter is used to specified the version. 'all' seems not a version. If you don’t want to declare a version, use null, but I think it is good to declare the version in all the CSS files you are loading. For example, if you use some browser cache and update the foundation CSS, the upade won’t be sent to the users that have the CSS already cached in their browsers. If you declare the version, the URL will change after the update and the users will get the new CSS version.

There is also a missing / in the URL (noted by Pedro in his answer).

wp_enqueue_style( 'venix_css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/global.css', array( 'normalize_css', 'foundation_css', 'googlefont_css' ), '1.0' );

Also, since WordPress 4.7, it is better if you use get_theme_file_uri() instead of get_template_directory_uri(). The new function is more flexible and allows child themes to override parent theme files easily.

wp_enqueue_style( 'venix_css', get_theme_file_uri( 'css/global.css' ) , array( 'normalize_css', 'foundation_css', 'googlefont_css' ), '1.0' );