Can I create multiple pages at once using WP-CLI?

There are a few ways. As mentioned, post generate.

wp post generate --count=10 --post_type=page --post_date=1999-01-04
curl | wp post generate --post_content --count=10

You could write your own custom command. See the List of community commands for examples or the package index.

 * Implements example command.
class Example_Command extends WP_CLI_Command {

     * Prints a greeting.
     * ## OPTIONS
     * <name>
     * : The name of the person to greet.
     * ## EXAMPLES
     *     wp example hello Newman
     * @synopsis <name>
    function hello( $args, $assoc_args ) {
        list( $name ) = $args;

        // Print a success message
        WP_CLI::success( "Hello, $name!" );

WP_CLI::add_command( 'example', 'Example_Command' );

And is a good example of using the import command to create test content from xml.

# WP Test - WP-CLI Quick Install Script
# Note: This script assumes you have wp-cli installed.

# Ask user where WordPress is installed.
printf "Please provide the local path to your WordPress install: "

# Import WP Test data.
curl -OL
wp import wptest.xml --authors=create
rm wptest.xml

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