Canot save post if any meta box was empty

The easiest solution is to use jQuery. Add the below code to any JS file that you include in the admin area.

As you haven’t given very much information above I don’t know a couple of things, so you’ll need to amend this example slightly –

  • Change your-post-type to the slug of the post type for which this metabox exists. If it’s the default Post then it’ll just be post.

  • Change '#field-name' to the correct ID of your field. To find this out, check the source of your page.

The code –


    var post_type = $('#post_type').val();      

    if(post_type === 'your-post-type'){

        $('input#publish').on('click', function(e){

            var myVal = $('#field-name').val();

            if(yourMetaField === ''){
                alert('You must fill all meta box value before save post');


