Can’t query by meta_key

Thanks for @dunc and @helgatheviking I got the answer. Here’s my code. You need the post type declared, otherwise it resorts to “post”. I also couldn’t do this unless I put meta_key and meta_value in a ‘meta_query’ multidimensional array.

$args = array(
         'post_type'    => 'tsa_events',
         'meta_query'   => array(
               'key'          => 'slideshow_image',
               'value'    => array(''),
               'compare'  => 'NOT IN'


EDIT: you can also structure your query this way:

$args = array(
         'post_type'     => 'tsa_events',
         'meta_key'      => 'slideshow_image',
         'meta_value'    => array(''),
         'meta_compare'  => 'NOT IN'