Cart page displays the price and amount as zero regardless of price entered [closed]

That’s maybe not really the right anwser, but the way to test if prices are pulled into the cart and the way to recalculate cart totals.

add_action('template_redirect', 'test_cart_values');

function test_cart_values(){
    $cart_items = WC()->cart->get_cart();
    if(is_cart() || is_checkout() ){
        foreach($cart_items as $item){
            if($item['line_subtotal'] == '' or $item['line_subtotal'] == 0){
                $calculate_once_again = true;
        if($calculate_once_again == true){

Note that you can get the cart from session in an other way.
Remove var_dump() if you are on a production server.

Hope it helps