Category images are not displaying in WordPress

In your code, you store the images in the wp_options table with the key category_images, but there is nothing that tells WordPress that it must fetch the image when loading the taxonomy term (your category).

What you can do is either use get_option('category_images') whenever you need to fetch the image, or add a hook filter like that.

add_filter( 'get_term', function ( WP_Term $_term, string $taxonomy ): WP_Term
    if ( 'my_taxonomy_name' === $taxonomy ) {
        $images = get_option( 'category_images' );
        if ( $image = ( $images[ $_term->term_id ] ?? null ) ) {
            $_term->background_image = $image;
    return $_term;
}, 10, 2 );

You will then have the background_image property added when you fetch your taxonomy term.