The below will check the post creators role and based on that role allow you to set colour of the audio player.
Created in a plugin so to stop theme updates removing it on updating functions file when updating theme.
Not sure how to do this based on each comment of a person embedding a player as this would need to add tags to the html for each embedded player assigning different CSS styles to each tag.
* Plugin Name: Change colour of the audio player
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Adds colour to the audio player
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Name
* Author URI:
add_action( 'wp','my_special_action' ); function my_special_action() {
//Check if it is a post to run the code
if (is_single())
//Get post ID
$post_idz = get_the_ID();
//Pull all field data of post
$post_fields = get_post($post_idz);
//Get authors ID
$author = $post_fields->post_author;
//Get author roles
//Check author has role
if (in_array("ADD_ROLE_NAME", $user_roles))
/* change colours of audio player */
.mejs-container {
background: url('') !important;
background-color: #1f7dcd !important;
/* change the color of the current time bar */
.mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current {
background: #dece66 !important;
} }