Check if user has custom post published redirection on WordPress

If I understand your question and your code correctly, I think your issue is the following line:

$current_user = $post->post_author;

You’re evaluating the current user AS the post author. So your logic evaluation then checks “if the page is 479 and the author ID of post ID 479 has only published 1 post, then redirect”. I don’t think that’s what you’re intending.

Also, your use of count_user_posts() doesn’t check for a post type – but you’re asking about the user being an author of a custom post type. What is the custom post type? Wouldn’t that be what you check with count_user_posts()? If a CPT slug is not passed in that function, it will only check for “posts”. My example below makes the assumption that you want to check the post type of the is_page() value you’re checking (479).

And (lastly?), you’re checking if the user has a draft or published post type equal to (==) 1? What if it’s 2? I suspect the logic here should be “greater than” (>) instead.

So there’s a lot of unanswered questions and some definite gray areas in your question, but here’s a stab at something based on what I can guess:

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_to_specific_page_resume' );

function redirect_to_specific_page_resume() {

     * Only bother to check if the user is logged in 
     * AND we're on page ID 479. Otherwise, there's no
     * reason to run the remaining logic.
    if ( is_user_logged_in() && is_page( 479 ) ) {

        // Get the current logged in user's ID
        $current_user_id = get_current_user_id();

        // Count the user's posts for 'resume' CPT
        $user_post_count = (int) count_user_posts( $current_user_id, 'resume' );

        // If the user has a 'resume' CPT published
        if ( $user_post_count > 1 ) {

            // Get the URL to redirect the user to.
            $url = get_permalink( 480 );

            // Redirect the user.
            wp_redirect( $url ); 
