Checkout form looks terrible [closed]

It sounds like there’s a CSS conflict with your theme or another plugin.

To troubleshoot the issue, deactivate each plugin, one at a time, to establish which one may be causing the problem. If that doesn’t work, activate a different theme to see if that solves it.

If it’s your theme causing the issues, you’ll need to use your browsers developer tools to identify which CSS is responsible. You can then override it via your own CSS.

Alternatively, try and add this line to functions.php:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_enqueue_styles', '__return_empty_array' );

This will strip all styles from WooCommerce so you can build your own.

This is how I usually tackle WooCommerce styling as it allows me to have full control of the design. It’s time consuming, but you can re-use your styles for future builds.