That error means you’re attempting to address a string or null as if it were an array. Perhaps it’s returning fewer than 5 matches, in which case $array[0][4]
would be unset.
Here’s your problem:
function thing($content) {
preg_match_all("/(<h[^>]*>.*?<\/h2>\n*<p>.*?<\/p>)/", $content, $array);
$i = 1;
$limit = count($array[0]);
$array = $array[0][4]; // you've overwritten $array with what used to be $array[0][4]
echo $array; //outside loop
while ( $i <= $limit) {
$array = $array[0][4]; // now you're trying to overwrite $array again once for every time you go around the loop
echo $array; inside loop
return $content;
add_action('the_content', 'thing', 50);
Let’s rewrite it a bit:
function thing($content) {
preg_match_all("/(<h[^>]*>.*?<\/h2>\n*<p>.*?<\/p>)/", $content, $array);
$i = 1;
$limit = count($array[0]);
echo $array[0][4]; //outside loop
while ( $i <= $limit) {
echo $array[0][4]; // inside loop
return $content;
add_action('the_content', 'thing', 50);
This still isn’t great code as it assumes the array is 5 members and repeats the same value each time it loops. Let’s rewrite the while loop into a for:
for( $i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++ ) {
echo $array[0][$i]; // inside loop