Conditional css for custom post type

Two things are important here, your taxonomy is portfoliosets, which mean this is not a built-in category. videos and magazines are terms of your taxonomy. From what I can make from your question, you need to show different header image for different single post page view depending on the term a post belongs to.

Based on this, you can use the has_term( $term, $taxonomy, $post ) conditional tag to check if a post belongs to a certain term. I just want to point out one little mistake here, is_single( $post ) doesn’t take the term as parameter, only the post’s ID, name or slug.

I would suggest that you make use of is_singular( $post_types ) to check for your single post page.

After all this, your query should be something like this

if(is_singular( 'portfolios')){
    if(has_term( 'videos', 'portfoliosets' )){
        <---DO SOMETHING FOR TERM video--->
    }elseif(has_term( 'magazine', 'portfoliosets' )){
        <---DO SOMETHING FOR TERM magazine--->