Confusion regarding Nonce & using it in Custom Columns for Saving Checkbox Value to Post Meta

When trying to create a custom metabox, adding custom columns, managing custom columns and finally saving the post. Where do we need to pass the nonce. To make my question clearer.

This is not correct, you shouldn’t need a nonce in a metabox because all that information is sent at once in the full request when updating or publishing, and WP already handles that for you.

I think the confusion here is that it was never explained what a nonce is supposed to protect against, and why it’s used.

In the days of myspace, you could put an image tag in your profile, and set src="", and everybody who visited your profile would get logged out.

A nonce on the other hand, is a time sensitive value, that protects against this by ensuring that you clicked the button, or did the thing because you actually clicked the thing, and not because of an CSRF attack.

So if you’re doing something that does something, then yes use a nonce. If you’re just reading values, then no, there’s no need. More than one nonce doesn’t add protection either, hence metaboxes

Also, check_admin_referer and wp_nonce_verify are not the same:

  • wp_nonce_verify literally just checks the nonce
  • check_admin_referer calls wp_nonce_verify internally, but it also does things based on the result, and will exit/abort if it fails, and it also checks the referer values
  • wp_nonce_verify only checks the nonce and returns true/false, it’s up to you to do something with that value

the same with wp_create_nonce and wp_nonce_field

  • wp_create_nonce creates a nonce value. It’s up to you to do something with it
  • wp_nonce_field outputs an entire hidden field, and calls wp_create_nonce internally, and does some other stuff

Think of them as the difference between buy_brick() and build wall()