Controlling image output size ACF repeater [closed]

I always set ACF to return “ID” (not object or URL) – that way ACF doesn’t get involved (& potentionally populate an object with vast amounts of data I don’t need) and I can do as I wish:


$landing_slideshows = get_field( 'landing_slideshow' );

// var_dump( $landing_slideshows );

foreach( $landing_slideshows as $landing_slideshow ) : ?>

    <div class="landing-photo clear"<?php

        $image_id = $landing_slideshow['landing_slide'];
        $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'large' );

        // Only print style bg if image valid & exists, unlikely but good practice
        if ( $src ) {
            // $src is an array with 3 items: URL, width, height
            printf( ' style="background-image: url(%s);"', $src[0] );


        // var_dump( $image_id );
        // var_dump( $src );


<?php endforeach ?>