Create Advanced search with taxonomies (not filter list)

like other times, after posting here i found my own question. Maybe its not the smarter solution but its working for me.

Im using the new tax_query as commented in

Basically if i get 2 taxonomies with two terms for example


I do the following:

    $myquery['tax_query'] = array( 'relation' => 'AND');

        if ($_GET['job_type']){
            foreach ($job_type as $k => $name){
            array_push($myquery['tax_query'],array('taxonomy' => 'job_type','terms' =>$job_types,'field' => 'slug' ,'operator' => 'IN'));

        if ($_GET['job_cat']){
            foreach ($job_cat as $k => $name){
            array_push($myquery['tax_query'],array('taxonomy' => 'job_cat','terms' => $job_cats,'field' => 'slug','operator' => 'IN'));


And then if i got more than one term i use the custom query:

if($custom_query) query_posts($myquery);

If you want to mix it with keyword search just do:

$myquery['s']= $yourKeywordVar;

Hope that helps, I just discovered and so far my tests are working fine