Create Template for Custom Post Type same like for Page

It sounds like you are talking about this page display template:

page-{slug}.php – If the page slug is recent-news, WordPress will look
to use page-recent-news.php

And you want single-{cpt-slug}-{slug}.php.

If so, I believe you can approximate that page template handling with the following:

function cpt_slug_template_wpse_117630($template) {
  global $post;

  $templ = locate_template('single-'.$post->post_type.'-'.$post->post_name.'.php');
  if (
    'book' == $post->post_type 
    && 'poem' == $post->post_name
    &&  !empty($templ)) {
      $template = get_stylesheet_directory().'/single-'.$post->post_type.'-'.$post->post_name.'.php';

  return $template;